Since 2014, Libya has been involved in non-international armed conflicts against a wide array of rebel groups on its territory.
The United Nations backed Government of National Accord is involved in multiple and overlapping non-international armed conflicts in Libya involving a myriad of armed groups, notably the Libyan National Army, Ansar a-Sharia and the Islamic State group. For more detailed information, see S. Arraf, Libya: A Short Guide on the Conflict. The War Report 2017, Geneva Academy. Between August 2016 and January 2017, the United States launched sustained air operations against the Islamic State group in Sirte upon invitation of the Government of National Accord. As the intervention took place with consent of the Government of National Accord, the nature of the armed conflict remains non-international. For further information, on the relevance of consent, see 'contemporary challenges - relevane of consent' in our classification section. The validty of the consent may be challenged as there are competing governments in Libya. However, in December 2015, the United Nations Security Council recognized the Government of National Accord 'as the sole legitimate government of Libya' and called upon Member States 'to cease support to and official contact with parallel institutions that claim to be the legitimate authority'. See Security Council resolution 2259 (2015), UN doc S/RES/2259 (2015), 23 December 2015, § 3 and § 5; see also Security Council resolution 2376 (2017), UN doc S/RES/2376 (2017), 14 September 2017.