Sudan is involved in non-international armed conflicts on its territory. As a member of the Saudi-led coalition that supports the Yemen government, Sudan is also a party to the non-international armed conflicts in Yemen.
The Government of Sudan is involved in separate non-international armed conflicts against a number of non-state armed groups: See ‘Non-international armed conflicts in Sudan’.
- In Darfur, the Government of Sudan is party to parallel non-international armed conflicts against, at least, two factions of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army–Abdel Wahid (SLM/A–AW): the SLM/A–AW and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army–Minni Minawi (SLM/A–MM).
- In Kordofan and Blue Nile states, Sudan is party to a non-international armed conflict against, at least, two factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army–North (SPLM-North), namely one in the Nuba Mountains led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu, and the other in White Nile state led by Malik Agar.
- Since April 2023, Sudan is party to a NIAC against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Sudan is also a party to the non-international armed conflicts in Yemen because it is a member of the Saudi-led coalition that intervenes on the side of the Yemeni government. In Autumn 2015, Sudan sent ground troops to Yemen. ‘Sudan Sends Ground Troops to Yemen to Boost Saudi-led Coalition’, Reuters, 18 October 2015.‘Yemen Air Strikes: A Guide to the Countries Backing Saudi Arabia’, Associated Press, 10 April 2015. In this sense, see also Final Report of the Panel of Experts on Yemen Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 2140 (2014), UN doc S/2017/81, para 29 ff.